Source code for xtb.interface

# This file is part of xtb.
# Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastian Ehlert
# xtb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# xtb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with xtb.  If not, see <>.
"""Wrapper around the C-API of the xtb shared library."""

from typing import List, Optional, Union
from typing_extensions import Literal
from enum import Enum, auto
import numpy as np

from .libxtb import (
    ffi as _ffi,
    lib as _lib,

_verbosity_flags = {
    "full": VERBOSITY_FULL,
    "minimal": VERBOSITY_MINIMAL,
    "muted": VERBOSITY_MUTED

class XTBException(Exception):
    """Thrown if an error in the C-API is encountered"""


[docs]class Param(Enum): """Possible parametrisations for the Calculator class""" GFN2xTB = auto() """Self-consistent extended tight binding Hamiltonian with anisotropic second order electrostatic contributions, third order on-site contributions and self-consistent D4 dispersion. Geometry, frequency and non-covalent interactions parametrisation for elements up to Z=86. Cite as: C. Bannwarth, S. Ehlert and S. Grimme., J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2019, 15, 1652-1671. DOI: `10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01176 <>`_ """ GFN1xTB = auto() """Self-consistent extended tight binding Hamiltonian with isotropic second order electrostatic contributions and third order on-site contributions. Geometry, frequency and non-covalent interactions parametrisation for elements up to Z=86. Cite as: S. Grimme, C. Bannwarth, P. Shushkov, *J. Chem. Theory Comput.*, 2017, 13, 1989-2009. DOI: `10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118 <>`_ """ GFN0xTB = auto() """Experimental non-self-consistent extended tight binding Hamiltonian using classical electronegativity equilibration electrostatics and extended Hückel Hamiltonian. Geometry, frequency and non-covalent interactions parametrisation for elements up to Z=86. Requires the param_gfn0-xtb.txt parameter file in the ``XTBPATH`` environment variable to load! See: P. Pracht, E. Caldeweyher, S. Ehlert, S. Grimme, ChemRxiv, 2019, preprint. DOI: `10.26434/chemrxiv.8326202.v1 <>`_ """ GFNFF = auto() """General force field parametrized for geometry, frequency and non-covalent interactions up to Z=86. ``xtb`` API support is currently experimental. Cite as: S. Spicher and S. Grimme, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 15665–15673. DOI: `10.1002/anie.202004239 <>`_ """ IPEAxTB = auto() """Special parametrisation for the GFN1-xTB Hamiltonian to improve the description of vertical ionisation potentials and electron affinities. Uses additional diffuse s-functions on light main group elements. Parametrised up to Z=86. Cite as: V. Asgeirsson, C. Bauer and S. Grimme, Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 4879. DOI: `10.1039/c7sc00601b <`_ """
class Solvent(Enum): """Possible solvents for the GBSA model""" acetone = auto() acetonitrile = auto() benzene = auto() ch2cl2 = auto() chcl3 = auto() cs2 = auto() dmf = auto() dmso = auto() ether = auto() h2o = auto() methanol = auto() nhexane = auto() thf = auto() toluene = auto() _solvents = { Solvent.acetone: "acetone", Solvent.acetonitrile: "acetonitrile", Solvent.benzene: "benzene", Solvent.ch2cl2: "ch2cl2", Solvent.chcl3: "chcl3", Solvent.cs2: "cs2", Solvent.dmf: "dmf", Solvent.dmso: "dmso", Solvent.ether: "ether", Solvent.h2o: "h2o", Solvent.methanol: "methanol", Solvent.nhexane: "nhexane", Solvent.thf: "thf", Solvent.toluene: "toluene", }
[docs]class Environment: """ .. Calculation environment Wraps an API object representing a TEnvironment class in ``xtb``. The API object is constructed automatically and deconstructed on garbage collection, it stores the IO configuration and the error log of the API. All API calls require an environment object, usually this is done automatically as all other classes inherent from the calculation environment. Example ------- >>> from xtb.libxtb import VERBOSITY_FULL >>> from xtb.interface import Environment >>> env = Environment() >>> env.set_output("error.log") >>> env.set_verbosity(VERBOSITY_FULL) >>> if env.check != 0: ..."Error message") ... >>> env.release_output() """ _env = _ffi.NULL def __init__(self): """Create new xtb calculation environment object""" self._env = new_environment()
[docs] def check(self) -> int: """Check current status of calculation environment Example ------- >>> if env.check() != 0: ... raise XTBException("Error occured in the API") """ return _lib.xtb_checkEnvironment(self._env)
[docs] def get_error(self, message: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Check for error messages Example ------- >>> if env.check() != 0: ... raise XTBException(env.get_error()) """ _message ="char[]", 512) _lib.xtb_getError(self._env, _message, _ref("int", 512)) if message is not None: return "{}:\n{}".format(message, _ffi.string(_message).decode()) return _ffi.string(_message).decode()
[docs] def show(self, message: str) -> None: """Show and empty error stack""" _message ="char[]", message.encode()) _lib.xtb_showEnvironment(self._env, _message)
[docs] def set_output(self, filename: str) -> None: """Bind output from this environment""" _filename ="char[]", filename.encode()) _lib.xtb_setOutput(self._env, _filename)
[docs] def release_output(self) -> None: """Release output unit from this environment""" _lib.xtb_releaseOutput(self._env)
[docs] def set_verbosity(self, verbosity: Union[Literal["full", "minimal", "muted"], int]) -> int: """Set verbosity of calculation output""" verbosity = int(_verbosity_flags.get(str(verbosity), verbosity)) _lib.xtb_setVerbosity(self._env, verbosity) return verbosity
[docs]class Molecule(Environment): """ .. Molecular structure data Represents a wrapped TMolecule API object in ``xtb``. The molecular structure data object has a fixed number of atoms and immutable atomic identifiers. Example ------- >>> from xtb.interface import Molecule >>> import numpy as np >>> numbers = np.array([8, 1, 1]) >>> positions = np.array([ ... [ 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000,-0.73578586109551], ... [ 1.44183152868459, 0.00000000000000, 0.36789293054775], ... [-1.44183152868459, 0.00000000000000, 0.36789293054775]]) ... >>> mol = Molecule(numbers, positions) >>> len(mol) 3 >>> mol.update(np.zeros((len(mol), 3))) # will fail nuclear fusion check xtb.interface.XTBException: Update of molecular structure failed: -1- xtb_api_updateMolecule: Could not update molecular structure >>> mol.update(positions) Raises ------ ValueError on invalid input on the Python side of the API XTBException on errors returned from the API """ _mol = _ffi.NULL def __init__( self, numbers, positions, charge: Optional[float] = None, uhf: Optional[int] = None, lattice = None, periodic = None, ): """Create new molecular structure data""" Environment.__init__(self) if positions.size % 3 != 0: raise ValueError("Expected tripels of cartesian coordinates") if 3 * numbers.size != positions.size: raise ValueError("Dimension missmatch between numbers and positions") self._natoms = len(numbers) _numbers = np.ascontiguousarray(numbers, dtype="i4") _positions = np.ascontiguousarray(positions, dtype=float) _charge = _ref("double", charge) _uhf = _ref("int", uhf) if lattice is not None: if lattice.size != 9: raise ValueError("Invalid lattice provided") _lattice = np.ascontiguousarray(lattice, dtype="float") else: _lattice = None if periodic is not None: if periodic.size != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid periodicity provided") _periodic = np.ascontiguousarray(periodic, dtype="bool") else: _periodic = None self._mol = new_molecule( self._env, _ref("int", self._natoms), _cast("int*", _numbers), _cast("double*", _positions), _charge, _uhf, _cast("double*", _lattice), _cast("bool*", _periodic), ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error("Setup of molecular structure failed")) def __len__(self): return self._natoms
[docs] def update( self, positions: np.ndarray, lattice: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> None: """Update coordinates and lattice parameters, both provided in atomic units (Bohr). The lattice update is optional also for periodic structures. Generally, only the cartesian coordinates and the lattice parameters can be updated, every other modification, regarding total charge, total spin, boundary condition, atomic types or number of atoms requires the complete reconstruction of the object. Raises ------ ValueError on invalid input on the Python side of the API XTBException on errors returned from the API, usually from nuclear fusion check """ if 3 * len(self) != positions.size: raise ValueError("Dimension missmatch for positions") _positions = np.ascontiguousarray(positions, dtype="float") if lattice is not None: if lattice.size != 9: raise ValueError("Invalid lattice provided") _lattice = np.ascontiguousarray(lattice, dtype="float") else: _lattice = None _lib.xtb_updateMolecule( self._env, self._mol, _cast("double*", _positions), _cast("double*", _lattice), ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error("Update of molecular structure failed"))
[docs]class Results(Environment): """ .. Calculation results Holds ``xtb`` API object containing results from a single point calculation. It can be queried for indiviual properties or used to restart calculations. Note that results from different methods are generally incompatible, the API tries to be as clever as possible about this and will usually automatically reallocate missmatched results objects as necessary. The results objects is connected to its own, independent environment, giving it its own error stack and IO infrastructure. Example ------- >>> from xtb.libxtb import VERBOSITY_MINIMAL >>> from xtb.interface import Calculator, Param >>> import numpy as np >>> numbers = np.array([8, 1, 1]) >>> positions = np.array([ ... [ 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000,-0.73578586109551], ... [ 1.44183152868459, 0.00000000000000, 0.36789293054775], ... [-1.44183152868459, 0.00000000000000, 0.36789293054775]]) ... >>> calc = Calculator(Param.GFN2xTB, numbers, positions) >>> calc.set_verbosity(VERBOSITY_MINIMAL) >>> res = calc.singlepoint() # energy printed is only the electronic part 1 -5.1027888 -0.510279E+01 0.421E+00 14.83 0.0 T 2 -5.1040645 -0.127572E-02 0.242E+00 14.55 1.0 T 3 -5.1042978 -0.233350E-03 0.381E-01 14.33 1.0 T 4 -5.1043581 -0.602769E-04 0.885E-02 14.48 1.0 T 5 -5.1043609 -0.280751E-05 0.566E-02 14.43 1.0 T 6 -5.1043628 -0.188160E-05 0.131E-03 14.45 44.1 T 7 -5.1043628 -0.455326E-09 0.978E-04 14.45 59.1 T 8 -5.1043628 -0.572169E-09 0.192E-05 14.45 3009.1 T SCC iter. ... 0 min, 0.022 sec gradient ... 0 min, 0.000 sec >>> res.get_energy() -5.070451354836705 >>> res.get_gradient() [[ 6.24500451e-17 -3.47909735e-17 -5.07156941e-03] [-1.24839222e-03 2.43536791e-17 2.53578470e-03] [ 1.24839222e-03 1.04372944e-17 2.53578470e-03]] >>> res = calc.singlepoint(res) 1 -5.1043628 -0.510436E+01 0.898E-08 14.45 0.0 T 2 -5.1043628 -0.266454E-14 0.436E-08 14.45 100000.0 T 3 -5.1043628 0.177636E-14 0.137E-08 14.45 100000.0 T SCC iter. ... 0 min, 0.001 sec gradient ... 0 min, 0.000 sec >>> res.get_charges() [-0.56317912 0.28158956 0.28158956] Raises ------ XTBException in case the requested property is not present in the results object """ _res = _ffi.NULL def __init__(self, res: Union[Molecule, "Results"]): """Create new singlepoint results object""" Environment.__init__(self) if isinstance(res, Results): self._res = copy_results(res._res) else: self._res = new_results() self._natoms = len(res) def __len__(self): return self._natoms
[docs] def get_energy(self) -> float: """Query singlepoint results object for energy in Hartree Example ------- >>> res.get_energy() -5.070451354836705 """ _energy ="double *") _lib.xtb_getEnergy(self._env, self._res, _energy) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _energy[0]
[docs] def get_gradient(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for gradient in Hartree/Bohr Example ------- >>> res.get_gradient() [[ 6.24500451e-17 -3.47909735e-17 -5.07156941e-03] [-1.24839222e-03 2.43536791e-17 2.53578470e-03] [ 1.24839222e-03 1.04372944e-17 2.53578470e-03]] """ _gradient = np.zeros((len(self), 3)) _lib.xtb_getGradient(self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _gradient)) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _gradient
[docs] def get_virial(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for virial given in Hartree Example ------- >>> res.get_virial() [[ 1.43012837e-02 3.43893209e-17 -1.86809511e-16] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 1.02348685e-16 1.46994821e-17 3.82414977e-02]] """ _virial = np.zeros((3, 3)) _lib.xtb_getVirial(self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _virial)) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _virial
[docs] def get_dipole(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for dipole in e·Bohr Example ------- >>> get_dipole() [-4.44089210e-16 1.44419023e-16 8.89047667e-01] """ _dipole = np.zeros(3) _lib.xtb_getDipole(self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _dipole)) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _dipole
[docs] def get_charges(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for partial charges in e Example ------- >>> get_charges() [-0.56317913 0.28158957 0.28158957] """ _charges = np.zeros(len(self)) _lib.xtb_getCharges(self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _charges)) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _charges
[docs] def get_bond_orders(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for bond orders Example ------- >>> res.get_bond_orders() [[0.00000000e+00 9.20433501e-01 9.20433501e-01] [9.20433501e-01 0.00000000e+00 2.74039053e-04] [9.20433501e-01 2.74039053e-04 0.00000000e+00]] """ _bond_orders = np.zeros((len(self), len(self))) _lib.xtb_getBondOrders(self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _bond_orders)) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _bond_orders
[docs] def get_number_of_orbitals(self) -> int: """Query singlepoint results object for the number of basis functions Example ------- >>> res.get_number_of_orbitals() 6 """ _nao ="int *") _lib.xtb_getNao(self._env, self._res, _nao) return _nao[0]
[docs] def get_orbital_eigenvalues(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for orbital energies in Hartree Example ------- >>> res.get_orbital_eigenvalues() array([-0.68087967, -0.56667693, -0.51373083, -0.44710101, 0.08394016, 0.24142397]) """ _nao = self.get_number_of_orbitals() _eigenvalues = np.zeros(_nao) _lib.xtb_getOrbitalEigenvalues( self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _eigenvalues) ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _eigenvalues
[docs] def get_orbital_occupations(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for occupation numbers Example ------- >>> res.get_orbital_occupations() array([2., 2., 2., 2., 0., 0.]) """ _nao = self.get_number_of_orbitals() _occupations = np.zeros(_nao) _lib.xtb_getOrbitalOccupations( self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _occupations) ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _occupations
[docs] def get_orbital_coefficients(self) -> np.ndarray: """Query singlepoint results object for orbital coefficients Example ------- >>> res.get_orbital_coefficients() array([[-7.94626768e-01, 6.38378239e-16, 4.52990407e-01, -6.38746369e-16, -8.35495085e-01, -4.44089210e-16], [ 2.77555756e-17, -6.97332245e-01, 7.49400542e-16, 1.88136491e-17, 7.21644966e-16, -9.60006511e-01], [ 2.17336312e-16, -1.08051945e-16, -1.11598977e-15, -1.00000000e+00, 5.74153329e-17, 3.30330107e-17], [-8.67578876e-02, -9.71445147e-16, -8.05763104e-01, 7.71702239e-16, -7.18690020e-01, -4.71844785e-16], [-1.84540457e-01, -3.54572323e-01, -2.39090946e-01, 2.87533552e-16, 7.68757806e-01, 9.02845514e-01], [-1.84540457e-01, 3.54572323e-01, -2.39090946e-01, 2.01021058e-16, 7.68757806e-01, -9.02845514e-01]]) """ _nao = self.get_number_of_orbitals() _coefficients = np.zeros((_nao, _nao), order="F") _lib.xtb_getOrbitalCoefficients( self._env, self._res, _cast("double*", _coefficients) ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error()) return _coefficients
[docs]class Calculator(Molecule): """ .. Singlepoint calculator This calculator represents a calculator object in the ``xtb`` API and provides access to all methods implemented with a unified interface. The API object must be loaded with a parametrisation before it can be used in any other API request. The parametrisation loading is included in the initialization in this class, which has the advantage that all API functionality is readily available, the downside is that a calculator object on the Python side can only carry one distinct parametrisation, which is not allowed to change. Examples -------- >>> from xtb.libxtb import VERBOSITY_MINIMAL >>> from xtb.interface import Calculator, Param >>> import numpy as np >>> numbers = np.array([8, 1, 1]) >>> positions = np.array([ ... [ 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000,-0.73578586109551], ... [ 1.44183152868459, 0.00000000000000, 0.36789293054775], ... [-1.44183152868459, 0.00000000000000, 0.36789293054775]]) ... >>> calc = Calculator(Param.GFN2xTB, numbers, positions) >>> calc.set_verbosity(VERBOSITY_MINIMAL) >>> res = calc.singlepoint() # energy printed is only the electronic part 1 -5.1027888 -0.510279E+01 0.421E+00 14.83 0.0 T 2 -5.1040645 -0.127572E-02 0.242E+00 14.55 1.0 T 3 -5.1042978 -0.233350E-03 0.381E-01 14.33 1.0 T 4 -5.1043581 -0.602769E-04 0.885E-02 14.48 1.0 T 5 -5.1043609 -0.280751E-05 0.566E-02 14.43 1.0 T 6 -5.1043628 -0.188160E-05 0.131E-03 14.45 44.1 T 7 -5.1043628 -0.455326E-09 0.978E-04 14.45 59.1 T 8 -5.1043628 -0.572169E-09 0.192E-05 14.45 3009.1 T SCC iter. ... 0 min, 0.022 sec gradient ... 0 min, 0.000 sec >>> res.get_energy() -5.070451354836705 >>> res.get_gradient() [[ 6.24500451e-17 -3.47909735e-17 -5.07156941e-03] [-1.24839222e-03 2.43536791e-17 2.53578470e-03] [ 1.24839222e-03 1.04372944e-17 2.53578470e-03]] Raises ------ XTBException on errors encountered in API or while performing calculations """ _calc = _ffi.NULL _loader = { Param.GFN2xTB: _lib.xtb_loadGFN2xTB, Param.GFN1xTB: _lib.xtb_loadGFN1xTB, Param.IPEAxTB: _lib.xtb_loadGFN1xTB, Param.GFN0xTB: _lib.xtb_loadGFN0xTB, Param.GFNFF: _lib.xtb_loadGFNFF, } def __init__( self, param: Param, numbers: List[int], positions: List[float], charge: Optional[float] = None, uhf: Optional[int] = None, lattice: Optional[List[float]] = None, periodic: Optional[List[bool]] = None, ): """Create new calculator object""" Molecule.__init__( self, numbers, positions, charge, uhf, lattice, periodic, ) self._calc = new_calculator() self._load(param) def _load(self, param: Param): """Load parametrisation data into calculator""" if param == Param.IPEAxTB: _filename ="char[]", "param_ipea-xtb.txt".encode()) else: _filename = _ffi.NULL self._loader[param]( self._env, self._mol, self._calc, _filename, ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error("Could not load parametrisation data"))
[docs] def set_solvent(self, solvent: Optional[Solvent] = None) -> None: """Add/Remove a solvation model to/from calculator Example ------- >>> from xtb.utils import get_solvent, Solvent ... >>> calc.set_solvent(Solvent.h2o) # Set solvent to water with enumerator >>> calc.set_solvent() # Release solvent again >>> calc.set_solvent(get_solvent("CHCl3")) # Find correct enumerator """ if solvent is not None: _solvent ="char[]", _solvents.get(solvent, "none").encode()) _lib.xtb_setSolvent( self._env, self._calc, _solvent, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL ) else: _lib.xtb_releaseSolvent(self._env, self._calc) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error("Failed to set solvent model"))
[docs] def set_external_charges( self, numbers: np.ndarray, charges: np.ndarray, positions: np.ndarray ) -> None: """Set an external point charge field""" _npcem = numbers.size if _npcem != charges.size: raise ValueError( "Dimension missmatch between atomic numbers and partial charges" ) if 3 * _npcem != positions.size: raise ValueError( "Dimension missmatch between atomic numbers and cartesian coordinates" ) _numbers = np.ascontiguousarray(numbers, dtype="i4") _charges = np.ascontiguousarray(charges, dtype=float) _positions = np.ascontiguousarray(positions, dtype=float) _lib.xtb_setExternalCharges( self._env, self._calc, _ref("int", _npcem), _cast("int*", _numbers), _cast("double*", _charges), _cast("double*", _positions), ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error("Failed to set external charge field"))
[docs] def release_external_charges(self) -> None: """Unset external point charge field""" _lib.xtb_releaseExternalCharges(self._env, self._calc) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException( self.get_error("Failed to release external charge field") )
[docs] def set_accuracy(self, accuracy: float) -> None: """Set numerical accuracy for calculation, ranges from 1000 to 0.0001, values outside this range will be cutted with warning placed in the error log, which can be retrieved by get_error() but will not trigger check(). Example ------- >>> calc.set_accuracy(1.0) """ _lib.xtb_setAccuracy(self._env, self._calc, accuracy)
[docs] def set_max_iterations(self, maxiter: int) -> None: """Set maximum number of iterations for self-consistent charge methods, values smaller than one will be silently ignored by the API. Failing to converge in a given number of cycles is not necessarily reported as an error by the API. Example ------- >>> calc.set_max_iterations(100) """ _lib.xtb_setMaxIter(self._env, self._calc, maxiter)
[docs] def set_electronic_temperature(self, etemp: int) -> None: """Set electronic temperature in K for tight binding Hamiltonians, values smaller or equal to zero will be silently ignored by the API. Example ------- >>> calc.set_electronic_temperature(300.0) """ _lib.xtb_setElectronicTemp(self._env, self._calc, etemp)
[docs] def singlepoint(self, res: Optional[Results] = None, copy: bool = False) -> Results: """Perform singlepoint calculation, note that the a previous result is overwritten by default. Example ------- >>> res = calc.singlepoint() >>> res = calc.singlepoint(res) >>> calc.singlepoint(res) # equivalent to the above >>> new = calc.singlepoint(res, copy=True) """ if res is not None: if copy: _res = Results(res) else: _res = res else: _res = Results(self) _lib.xtb_singlepoint( self._env, self._mol, self._calc, _res._res, ) if self.check() != 0: raise XTBException(self.get_error("Single point calculation failed")) return _res
def _cast(ctype, array): """Cast a numpy array to a FFI pointer""" return _ffi.NULL if array is None else _ffi.cast(ctype, def _ref(ctype, value): """Create a reference to a value""" if value is None: return _ffi.NULL ref = + "*") ref[0] = value return ref